CARDDASS HONDAN PART 23 by BANDAI (1995) Here comes an other epic prism set ! I this part 23 as you can see there are kickass dragon ball cards ! Goku SSJ3, Gotenks SSJ3, Mystic Gohan and the all mighthy fusion VEGETO ! And not one but two reverse prism…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 22 by BANDAI (1995) This part 22 contains awesome dragon ball cards! Most epic characters are here: Gogeta, Gotenks, Mystic gohan, Majin bu.The cards are a mix of end of bu saga + the movie “fusions”. Cool characters and colors; one of the best prism set of…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 21 by BANDAI (1994) Nice colors on these dragon ball cards! Here the star of the show is of course gotenks: the fusion of goten and trunks! We can also see cool cards with goku 3, gohan and bu. Total: 42 cards 36 regulars 6 prisms 1…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 20 by BANDAI (1994) This part 20 is epic ! SSJ3 goku, mystic gohan, vegeta sacrifice… So many insane scenes ! This part is the first one with dual sided prism. These “reverse prism” are the only two dual cards with soft prism effect ! Thats not…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 19 by BANDAI (1994) This part 19 shows us the appearance of majin bu despite all attempts of gohan to prevent it. There is here the first prism card with majin vegeta ! Cards are simple but colored: a nice set of dragonball cards! Total: 42 cards…