Ces cartes ont été éditées pour fêter les 1000000000 d’exemplaires vendus de mangas dragonball au Japon.
Tirage limité à 6000 exemplaires.
Les visuels magnifiques sont tirés de couvertures du manga Dragonballz.
Total: 42 cartes
- 36 regulars
- 4 prismes
- 1 reverse prisme
- 1 flash
- 1 prisme sur 20 cartes
- vendues en distributeurs
excuse me, i really enjoy your website and i have a question. how can you tell if a limited 3000/6000 weekly jump card is authentic? thank you!
Thanks for your visit !
Well same as the other not limited cards.
-print quality/colors/centering
thank you for your reply! i have gotten into collecting vintage dbz carddass in the past year, but i am hesitant to purchase limited cards because i cannot tell if they are real haha. the china fakes look pretty good to me. perhaps it will come with time and experience!