During the 90′s there were loads of fake dragonball cards.
Some were good but many were very bad.
Most of the time a genuine card has a copyright (d) with the manufacturer name on the back like amada or bandai for exemple.
Then you can read “made in japan” or “HK” and often year of printing.
Here you will find if your card is genuine one or a cheap copy.
In green are the elements you must find on your card.
If one is missing then your card is a fake.
Note also there is a difference of quality between HK & Japan cards. HK are of lesser quality and most of the time off-centered. Let’s say that for most of collections of dragon ball cards you will find “made in japan” and some copyrights. No copyrights…no good…
Hi, I have some DBZ cards (1994, Film collection / Final battle) from Japan. Where could I see the whole collection and info about prices?
film collection video here:
all cards here :
Hi, I would like to know if the card on the back is empty white, which mean is fake right?
the only cards with white back are these http://retroballz.net/en/dbz-carddass-special-cards/
Nice post. Thanks!!
In my case, I have some cards (visual adventure 4) which are looking quite new and they have all the same marks/texts than the original ones.
Even colour on the background is exactly the same than a real old one.
Only thing is that they looks really new and they are slightly bended (or curved) like when going out of a printer…
Could that be a new edition/print of the orginal ones, or simply a very well done fake?
The curve is because they are in white boxes. Your cards must be brand new from the box.
Good stuff!! Very useful info 🙂
Quick question in regards to Super Battle cards (as shown above); when the (gold) logo on the card is not shiny, it means they are fake right? 100%?
except part 19 & 20 and very recent reprint
Thanks for the quick reply! 🙂 Helps a lot!
Been looking through your site more, and some great information! Love it 🙂 C’est tres bien 😀
Every time I search for info, I end up at your blog! You’re amazing at what you do. Thanks for the great content!
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