The part 26 is the first dragon ball gt part. Thats why here numbers are back to n°1. New numbers and new design too !
Pilaf has turned goku into a kid ! A new adventure is coming!
Cards are about oob, goku, trunks, pan and gill the robot.
Total: 42 cards
- 36 regulars
- 4 prisms
- 2 reverse prisms
- 1 prism on 20 cards
- sold in vending machine
Hey, I noticed that at the back of card #6 prism, the total states #1005. The card #5 prism states #1006 as the total #. Is it a printing error on Bandai?
hello no it’s not an error ^^ On part 17 they began again from 1… and once again in part 26. So the number you see is the “real” number from part 1.