While BANDAI were selling cards with vending machines (see here) his rival AMADA chose to use pullpacks.
Pullpacks are individual paper sleeves attached to a display with a small string.
When you pull the sleeve you shred the paper and you can get a card.
PPCard name come from this concept (pullpack cards)
2 prisms on 33 cards thats 1/6 chance to get a prism card
More chance than with bandai vending machine ( 1/20)
And there’s a bonus prism on the front of the display !Awesome !
But it’s not over !
Amada people are kind persons and help you to get you shinny cards !
How ?
There are 3 winner tickets in the packs.
If you find one, you can pick an other card FOR FREE !
Everything is written on the display.
Indeed you can read 30+1+1 that means 30 cards + 3 free cards + 1 on the display.
Pullpacks are fun !
There were different kind of pullpacks: classic (as you can see in the vid), jumbo, seal, trading…
hi bro, need some help.
i found this card on ebay, apparently, is not is japanese. is this a fake?
hope to hear from you soon
no it’s genuine but it’s a french card ^^ “le grand combat”
you can see the card at 9mn05
Hi where can i buy this kind of cards please i need them
on auction websites ^^…or in japan