CARDDASS HONDAN PART 31 & 32 by Bandai (2016) Here are , 18 years after, the sequel of dragon ball carddass hondan : carddass revival ! Only available fall 2015 on Bandai premium Website, these 2 limited edition parts were sold with a prism binder and a special card. Total:…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 16 by BANDAI (1993) This part 16 is the link between the cell saga and the majin bu saga. Then we can see ado and adult gohan. There is here 9 red border cards (E1 to E9) and a very nice Double prism that shows us the…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 1 by BANDAI (1989) This is the first part of carddass hondan ! The legendary dragon ball cards collection with 30 parts. You can see here the power level of our heroes with BP (battle points) This part is about dragon ball, the begining of the adventure…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 30 by BANDAI (1997) This is the last part of this classic dragonball card collection. The prism set focuses on he fight goku vs super c17. The flash card is the 200th dragonball gt card. Total: 42 cards 36 regulars 4 prisms 1 reverse prism 1 flash…

CARDDASS HONDAN PART 29 by BANDAI (1997) Here are the first dragonball card with goku ssj4 and the first with a ssj ape ! The Destruction points (DP) are now over 8000 ! A cool flash card, a baddass reverse prism and now some cards with “hotstamp”. Total: 42 cards…