PP CARD PART 29 by AMADA (1996) Here is a new card design by amada ! You see this design only in this part. The cards show us pictures from the end of dragonball z. Then we can see some cards from tenkaichi budokai 28 with a new character: oob…

PP CARD PART 28 by AMADA (1995) Here is the third and last part with this design. This time we have a yellow logo. The cards are about bejito period and also about the movie “wrath of the dragon” A lotery allowed you to win a cool limited 3000 set…

PP CARD PART 27 by AMADA (1995) The design of the card is the same as part 26 but with a blue logo. The pictures show us scenes from the bu saga and also from the movie “fusions reborn”. If you like gotenks & gogeta you will love this part…

PP CARD PART 26 by AMADA (1995) Here is a new design for ppcards! And… a cool 8 gold card set! Part 26 is about the fusion. So gotenks is in the place ! A very nice dragon ball card collection ! Prism cards are available in hard or soft…

PP CARD PART 25 by AMADA (1994) This is the last part with white border design. We can see the epic fight between goku and majin vegeta. Here are the fist ppcards with majin boo ! prism cards available in hard or soft type. Total: 48 cards 36 regulars 12…