Ancestors of the very famous AB toys dragon ball figures “super guerriers”, here are the full color battle ! Sold between 1993 and 1997, there are 2 different editions: Japanese and oversea (HK) These small vintage dragon ball figures were available with a cool arena with sound and an amazing…

Before pin’s there were badges ! Badges are timeless fashion accesories to put on bags, clothes or anywhere you want! Amada distributed badges among the multitude of dragonball goodies they produced. Sold individually for 50 yen, they were also available in set of 3 small + a large laser effect….

Here are some different school sets. Mini bungu and others stationery sets are full of pencils, cases and other weird dragon ball goodies like pins or menkos. There are also in some of them notebooks and diaries. In this video discover some of them ! VIDEO REVIEW !

There were lots of Dragon ball z movies and tv specials. For each movie were sold 1 comic book (12.5cmx18.1cm) produced by Jump Comics and sold for 690 Y. ( aprox 6$) A movie comic book is like a colored manga with pictures from the movie. A photonovel for otakus…

In 1996 (not 1989) AB TOYS produced loads of dragon ball figures and goodies. These figures are jumbo size soft vinyl inspired by the big japanese figure “best of dbz”. There were 11 different characters and some were available in 2 variants. There were also 2 figures with sound effects….